The three learning theories are as follows
Behaviorist learning theory
Constructive learning theoryCognitive learning theory
Behavioral theory is a worldview that assumes that learners is essentially passive, responding to environmental stimuli.behaviorist believes that learner start off as a clean slate and behavior is shaped through positive or negative reinforcement.However, behaviorist focused on the idea that we learn from the environment. the goals is to reinforce desirable behaviors and eliminate unwanteed behaviors. moreover, behavioral theories demonstrated how conditioning can be used to learn new informations and new behaviors. the goals of behavioral theory is to focused on increasing people's involvement in positive reinforcement.
Constructivist theory: Is to create new ideas, think outside the box, constructivism believed in schemata. they also believed that students should discover their own knowledge. Moreover, students must construct knowledge in their own minds. the essence of constructivist theory is is the idea that learners must individually discover and transform complex information if they are to make it their own (Anderson, Greeno, Reder, & Simon,2000; Waxman, Padron, & Arnold, 2001). constructivist theory sees learners as constantly checking new information against old rules and then revising rules when they are no longer work. in students-centered classroom the teacher becomes the "guide on the side" intead of "sage on the stage," helping students to discover their own meaning instead of lecturing and controlling all classroom activities (Weinberger & McCombs, 2001; Windschitl, 1999).
Cognitive theory: this theory is concerned with the thinking, inquiry and schemata which is the building block of knowledge. cognitive theory focuses on how people think, understand and know. they emphasis learning how people comprehend and represent outside world withing themselves and how our ways of thinking of the world influence our behavior. however, the main idea behind this theory is that an individual becomes what he thinks. Moreover, cognitive theory believed that one way to encourage and unlock new thought patterns is through meditation. learner construct their own knowledge from their experience, learner learn many things on their own without the intervention of an adults, learner are internally motivated to learn and do not expect any reward from an adults to motivate their learning.
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